Palmetto Shared Services Alliance

New for 2016

Palmetto Shared Services Alliance: First Steps, in partnership with SC Institute for Child Success and statewide partners, is excited to announce Palmetto Shared Services Alliance, a initiative designed to help South Carolina childcare and afterschool providers save time and money through shared purchasing power and access to online resources.

Want more information on Palmetto Shared Services Alliance? Check out this detailed proposal from the SC Institute for Child Success.

Learn more: Check out the presentation below to learn about many of the potential benefits of a shared services model.

youtube info


Take the survey!

Have some thoughts about how Palmetto Shared Services Alliance could benefit you? Share your feedback with us. Take this short 10 minute survey and let us know your ideas. We will be collecting feedback from across the state to build this system and your input would be much appreciated!

Take the survey now.

Questions? Contact Leslie Latimer, Palmetto Shared Services Alliance Director at [email protected]